South African Bulb Order

M Gastil-Buhl
Tue, 26 Nov 2019 19:32:05 PST
David asks
"Did you plant them right away even though it's going to be a short
growing season or did you store them until your regular planting
season in Sept-Oct?"

I also plan to order from South Africa and I plan to store the seeds
for sowing next September. My plan is not to freeze, just to pack them
dry in the fridge set aside for seeds, not in the food fridge. I'm not
sure how important that is.

It is a good question, one I have pondered before. But we are better
off to order now while the selection of stock is better than to order
next summer.

I'll mention, for clarity, that I'm in the Northern Hemisphere, in a
climate that should have begun its winter rain by now. Our first rain
since last May is expected tonight, just in time to soak the local
natural smoke treatment into the soil.

Santa Barbara, California
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