Planting depth

oooOIOooo via pbs
Thu, 21 Nov 2019 11:23:56 PST
Most smaller bulbs from the BX should be planted about an inch / 2.5cm deep. They will pull themselves to the proper depth. Planting too deeply can be a problem.

Oxalis can be planted deeper. If you have the growing space, they grow and multiply well in standard cylindrical "1 gallon" nursery pots, which are about 6" / 15cm in diameter and 7" tall.

Seed can be planted less deeply. There are no creatures in habitat ambling around burying seed.

Crinum seeds (and other fleshy amaryllid seed, such as Amaryllis and Brunsvigia) should be nestled in on the surface. If already sprouting, I use a small stick to make a hole for the shoot, but leave the seed on the surface. They are green and photosynthesize. I brought a walnut-sized Crinum asiaticum seed home from a visit to Miami one October. I set it on the surface of potting soil in a container in my sunroom. It took 9 months to sprout, and is now planted out in my garden.

Leo Martin
Phoenix Arizona USA
Zone 9?

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