how many seeds per pot? Scilla madeirensis

M Gastil-Buhl
Sat, 16 Nov 2019 12:22:25 PST
The Scilla madeirensis seeds arrived from Rimmer deVries' special seed
supplement this month. I have seed pots filled already, staged for the SX
to arrive soon. The pots are 2.25" wide by 3" high. I filled them with a
1:1:1 coir:///pumice:sand/. I plan to top with a 1/2 teaspoon of sand.

Question for Rimmer or others who grow this species from seed:
How many seeds would you plant in each tiny pot? How deep do you cover
them? Do you pot them up to a bigger pot after their first or second

Attached is a photo of these kind of pots to give an idea of scale. The net
cover is to keep birds out.


PS the Bulb Garden newsletter arrived yesterday. Interesting articles. Now
I am motivated to re-identify my Oxalis pots.
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