BX donation Information

M Gastil-Buhl gastil.buhl@gmail.com
Mon, 04 Nov 2019 08:44:38 PST
Here are some notes on the items I donated with images attached.

40. Stenomesson pearcei
Ex University of California Santa Barbara lath house demolition. Received
for "fostering" after it lost its label. First bloom last late spring
verified ID, thanks to PBS. UCSB greenhouse manager provided its original
provenance record of it having been collected in South America. Zero frost

Seeds, all OP, all profligate reseeders, all beginner's choice here in
Santa Barbara, California

55. Dichelostemma capitatum
Ex Telos seed mother Santa Cruz Island Giant and likely cross-pollination
with others Ex Jim Duggan as in the photo. Collected 2018.

82. Ipheion uniflorum
A profligate reseeder in my garden, even competes with lawn. These are
light blue with tall stems. Ex commercial from the 1980s. Collected 2019

86. Lachenalia orchidioides ssp. glaucina
Makes many offsets. Ex PBS BX339#12 from 2013
Seed collected 2018
The attached image is not necessarily THIS Lachenalia but bees love all

136. Tropaeolum hookerianum var. austropurpureum
Ex Telos. And see previous email. Collected April 2019.

140. Veltheimia bracteata
Pink flowers bloom March-April. Ex SB Hort Society who got it from UCSB.
The spots are not disease; this is normal coloration verified by John
Bleck, former UCSB greenhouse manager. Collected 2018.

The attached photos show pollination in action.

Thank you to Jane et al. for the great job with this special BX.

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