Dear All, Here are some informations concerning the seed I donated to the latest BX. Please bear in mind that the winter growing bulbs need immediate sowing in order to give them as much time as possible to form their first small bulbs before dormancy. Don’t keep the young bulbs brutally dry or hot during their first dormancy. wc = wild collected seeds, sustainable collecting. Agapanthus evergreen Hybr. white, spring sowing tender perennial Albuca aurea. Winter growing, evergreen, greenish yellow upright flower spikes about 60cm tall. Forms vigorous clumps in the garden, can be pot grown. Beginniner’s choice. Albuca canadense. Tall winter growing, summer dormant, greenish white upright flowers, may not go fully dormant in its first summer. Beginniner’s choice. Anemone palmata wc beautiful local spring flowers, shiny bright yellow, horizontal brittle rhizomes, sow immediately Asphodeline liburnica hardy perennial, yellow, summer dormant in dry conditions. Babiana brightest blue Hybr? spec? Sow immediately, summer dormant South African bulb Cypella gigantea spring sowing, evergreen. Tall inflorescence high above the leaves, wonderful patterned blue. Beginniner’s choice. Freesia laxa azurea, ex Monica Swartz small dainty blue version, sow immediately. Beginniner’s choice. The blue, not the yellow one is my donation. Gladiolus dalenii ex Silverhill, summer growing, spring sowing. Dainty salmon red to orange flowers, easy and straightforward. A beginniner‘s choice. Galtonia candicans, summer growing, spring sowing. Tall inflorescence with many white nodding flowers. Seed grown plants are virus free. Easy and straightforward, beginner‘s choice. Gladiolus illyricus wc. Pretty local pink gladiolus, 50 or 60cm, summer dormant, sow immediately. Habranthus robustus var biflorus, ex PBS 2008, Lynn Makela. summer growing but not sure for how long the seed can be stored. Better sown immediately with bottoms heat and good light. Iris xiphium wc, Looks like an elegant version of the Dutch iris, good blue, 1m tall, sow immediately, takes time to flower from seed. Lilium longiflorum ex 'White Triumphator' spring sowing, magnificent wax like scented pure white trumpets. Easy and fast from seed, beginner‘s choice. Narcissus bulbocodium var obesus, wc dainty small hoop petticoat narcissus on lime free soil, cannot tolerate competition from vigorous plants. Sow immediately. Narcissus cordubensis, jonquilla type with several flowers per stems. Needs moist conditions during growth. Sow immediately. Narcissus papyraceus, wc splendid local plant, occurrs in masses in some places, first Narcissus to flower here, some people dislike the smell. Likes moist conditions in spring. sow immediately, beginniner‘s choice. Ornithogalum orthophyllum ssp baeticum, wc. similar to O. umbellatum. Sow immediately Ornithogalum richtersveldensis. A dainty dwarf gem, max 10cm tall. Large white flowers. Flat rosette of greenish blue leaves. Best grown in very well draining substrate. Winter growing but does not tolerate winter rain on the foliage, alpine house, frost free. Sow immediately, for the advanced grower. Scilla peruviana ex 'Grand Bleu', from cultivated plants, magnificent deep blue form. Sow immediately, keep green in the first summer as long as possible. May take time to flower from seed but very rewarding, beginniner’s choice. Tropaeolum hookerianum ex Chileflora. The easiest blue Tropaeolum with me. Flowers the first year from seed. Sow IMMEDIATELY, soak the seed over night before sowing. Dislikes hot weather in spring which will induce premature dormancy, keep it as cool as possible and partially shaded. Frost free. Good in deep pots. In the open garden tubers will disappear deep down somewhere. The emerging shoot of mature tubers is hairlike and almost invisible, prone to damage. Needs something finely structured to climb on. Zantedeschia aethiopica large form. From a cultivated plant of wild origin. Taller and larger leaved than ordinary form, flowers white like the well known ones. Winter growing, summer dormant without water in Mediterranean climates but lush, big and evergreen with summer water. Enjoys water and fertilizer when in growth. Can be grown in pots. Happy growing! Uli (Johannes Ulrich Urban) _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list…