I have some fresh 2019 harvested seed from my plants that needs to be started in late fall early winter. Since i understand PBS will not have another BX/SX distribution this year and Jane is refusing further donations at this time I have been cleared to post this directly to the list for distribution. This offer is open to all list members. I only ask that recipients cover the shipping cost anticipated to be $2-5 for USA addresses depending on order size payable in advance, and if happy with your request make a donation to the PBS treasury. https://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/bx.html <https://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/bx.html> If you are interested in obtaining some of them, please email me PRIVATELY at rdevries@comcast.net <mailto:rdevries@comcast.net> DO NOT REPLY TO THE ENTIRE LIST. Include “SX Supplement” in the subject line. **SPECIFY THE ITEM NUMBERS*. DO NOT SPECIFY QUANTITIES. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR SNAIL MAIL ADDRESS,*. Availability is based on a first come, first served system. and will be mailed on order confirmation and postage payment. please send requests before Thursday 7 November 2019 so i can get these out before the weekend. otherwise your order will have to wait another 2 weeks. this is open to all list members ALL SEEDS 1. Scilla madeirensis. Harvested 15 May 2019. These seeds are from a mix of the Longfield Gardens discussed on this list in 2014 and from seed grown clones i started from seed in Feb 2013 Harvested 15 May 2019. (8 packets of 6 seeds each) 2. Daubenya zeheryi ex McMaster. This seed is from a mix of both red and orange flowered parents. Seed harvested 14 April 2019. probably enough to make 8 packets of 10 seeds 3. Daubenya alba ex Roggeveld Escarpment (ex AGS 2013 seed ex) seed harvested April 2019 Probably enough to make 8 packets of 10 seeds. 4. Scilla scilliodes aka Barnardia japonica. Mix of 12” and 20” tall forms. Harvested October 2019. Lots of seed. 5. Massonia hirsuta ex BX 202-15 donated as M. jasminiflora. Could be either plant, but the experts tell me M hirsuta. Seed harvested 28 March 2019. enough for 2 packets. 6. Massonia sp. ex Gourita River Bridge west of Vlees Bay. ex Hannon Harv. April 2019. probably enough for 6 packets of 10 seeds. 7. Cyrtanthus elatus x C montanus OP seed harvested Oct 2019 ( last week) probably 12 seeds (one lot) 8. Lachenalia calcicola. Excess seed from this years SABG seed ex. Package was very generous. probably 50-100 excess seeds. so about 5-8 lots 9. Massonia longipes (ex BX 337 as M. Pustulsta) From green leaf plants. Harv April 2019 One lot. 10. Massonia longipes (ex BX 337 as M. pustulata) from purple leaf plants. Harv. April 2019. Probably enough for 2 lots. And 11 packets of different rain lilies Species and varieties, seed harvested in August-September 2019, after my last BX donations. This rain lily lot would make a great collection for someone getting into rain lilies. i start these in water and transfer to growing medium when you see a radical, or wait till you see a leaf, they are not fussy. Similar names as i donated to that last few BXs Zephranthes reginea Z. chlorosolen Z. ‘Pink Beauty’ Z. dichloromantha Z. macrosiphon ‘John Fellows’ Z. macrosiphon Z. mesochloa Z. primula Z. katheriana rubrum Habranthus magnoi H. martinezii (Pink tubispathus) Rimmer de Vries South Central Kentucky _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net http://lists.pacificbulbsociety.net/cgi-bin/…