Nerine seed

Mary Sue Ittner
Sun, 24 Nov 2019 16:11:09 PST
I have seed of some Nerine species and hybrids (perhaps all hybrids 
since they are open pollinated). One set has already sprouted as I have 
waited to see what would happen with the BX. I'm not really wanting to 
do my own BX like Rimmer did although I have done that in the past. I 
liked the suggestion of helping someone new to this hobby. So if there 
are a couple of newbies who would like to grow Nerine from seed, email 
me privately at and tell me a little about yourself and 
where you live and why you'd like to grow this genus. Although the seed 
is all from plants that flowered in the fall, some of them are winter 
growers and flower in the beginning of new growth and others are 
evergreen or summer growing.

And speaking of Nerine hybrids, I was surprised to see the attachedĀ  
flowering in my Cyrtanthus brachyscyphus pot in my greenhouse. Obviously 
some Nerine seed must have found its way into the pot and since the 
leaves are similar I never noticed. I've rarely seen a white Nerine in 
my rescue Zinkowski nerines, but those are the ones in my greenhouse. So 
no telling what color the flowers would be from some of this seed.

Mary Sue

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