Recently I saw this announcement and thought it might be interesting to the folks on the list interested in Calochortus: The Givnish lab ( seeks a post-doctoral fellow for an NSF-funded study of phylogenomics, historical biogeography, species diversification, and floral eco-evo-devo in Calochortus (Liliaceae). Calochortus, with ca. 80 species in western North America and Central America, is a charismatic genus of bulbous herbs centered in the California Floristic Province. Calochortus has undergone extensive radiations in floral form, habitat, and substrate preference, with recurrent evolution of four floral syndromes (mariposas, cat's ears, star tulips, fairy lanterns). Most species are endemic to narrow geographic areas, and 25% occur on or are restricted to serpentine. Previous phylogenetic analyses of Calochortus, based on a few chloroplast loci, identified seven major, geographically cohesive clades that appear to exhibit parallel adaptive radiations in floral form and habitat (Patterson & Givnish 2004). But these analyses lacked the data needed to fully resolve relationships and screen for reticulate evolution.… _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list…