Moraea corm spacing in pot

Peter Taggart
Wed, 14 Nov 2012 15:36:34 PST
It depends on the species/ type of Moraea and also the amount of food
available to the plants, planting deeply may also encourage fewer and
larger corms .... some Moraeas like very wet conditions but not all!
.....too many variables!
I just give them enough space that the corms have room to increase. if you
replant every year that wont be as much as if you plan to leave them for
ten years and just give supplemental feeding.

Small corms for many plants may also indicate lack of food or a short
growing season, sometimes brought about by drought and consequent premature
dormancy when growing in pots. Feed them well and keep them growing longer,
avoid erratic watering.
Peter (UK)

On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 6:00 PM, Michael Mace <>wrote:

> Gastil wrote:
> > I am having doubts about how closely to space them in the pots.

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