I will shortly move to Austin TX from Oakland CA, and am trying to imagine gardening in an alternate universe. Many of my questions were answered by a fantastic graph of monthly rainfall averages Lee Poulsen made: http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/files/… Thanks Lee! I do not think I will try to subject most most of my mediterranean climate bulbs to the high summer heat and rainfall -- and Zone 8 winters. (Many of them will end up on the BX, so keep an eye out next summer). There are a few things I would like advice on. Can Lilium candidum handle such hot wet summers? What about evergreen South Africans? I'm considering bringing a few Cyrtanthus spp. in pots to keep dry in winter -- can they handle summer heat if well-watered? Can Tecophilaea handle zone 8 if I keep it somewhere cool in the summer? I'm looking forward to Lycoris, Rhodophiala, Zephranthes, whatever Tony Avent is selling. What other genera should I think about? Thanks, Max Withers