Colchicum hierosolymitanum

Bulborum Botanicum
Thu, 22 Nov 2012 10:26:26 PST
Jim send me this


Dear Roland:

I read the PBS archives, but am not a member, so cannot contact Shmuel

Could you be so kind to let him know that Karen Persson, the authority
on Colchicum, lists Colchicum hierosolymitanum as a valid name.

If he wants, he could contact her through the Göteborg Botaniska
Trädgård, Göteborg, Sweden, or download some of her work which is
online. She is writing a monograph which should be done in 2013 - we
all hope.


2012/11/22 Jane McGary <>:
> Shmuel in Jerusalem (the place for which this bulb is named)  wrote:
>>I have a bulb of Colchicum hierosolymitanum that was rescued from a
>>construction area. It just finished flowering. The bulb is the size of a
>>flattened ping pong ball. I have 2 questions:
>>1) Colchicum hierosolymitanum is not listed on the PBS site, but that's
>>what it is based on The Hebrew University Jerusalem website
>>…  Any idea
>>what else it may be called or does the PBS site need an update? I know
>>tehre afre lumpers and splitters, but...
>>2) Any way to propagate this bulb besides seed? After many years of
>>watching this plant bloom in situ, I have never seen it set seed.
> I have grown a colchicum under this name for about 12 years, having
> originally grown it from seed purchased from Monocot (Michael
> Salmon), a nursery whose stock is in part now held by Kurt Vickery.
> Salmon collected the seeds in nature. I have, I think, four
> clones.  They have been blooming for about 6 years. Since I moved
> them out of their large pot and into a raised sand bed in my bulb
> house, they have done much better. Each corm produces many flowers.
> They have set seed at least three years and I've raised more from
> seed and sent seed to other growers. Shmuel, I will make a note to
> send you seeds if it forms any this year.
> It may be necessary to have more than one clone to get seed. I
> hand-pollinated mine at least one year. My plants did not produce
> offsets in the pot, but I suspect they may now be making offsets
> since they have a better root run.
> This is one of the many small Colchicum species of the eastern
> Mediterranean. Although little known in gardens, they are delightful
> to grow in pots, troughs, and rock gardens. They have foliage of
> modest size and often their flowers are large for the size of the
> corm and leaves. Most have pink flowers but a few have white ones. I
> grew all of mine from seed from various collectors and am still
> trying to verify some of them. I sent out corms of a few species
> (especially C. boissieri, which I now also grow in the open garden)
> back when I was selling bulbs. A couple of white forms of C.
> szovitsii are available commercially, and they regularly set seed here.
> And yes, I do have photos of it in bloom and I should put them on the
> PBS wiki! I did make an attempt but did not get the photo files small
> enough to upload to the wiki, so must start over.
> Jane McGary
> Portland, Oregon, USA
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