Crocus "cartwrightianus albus" bought this fall

Fri, 09 Nov 2012 05:28:48 PST
Hello Rolland,
Here is some  aditional i formation from Jane Macgary  written  January 
 Further in the catalog (hoog& Dix), the plant grown in gardens as C. 
'Albus' is referred to C. hadriaticus. Since C. hadriaticus is a hardy,
rapidly increasing, floriferous species, and also self-sows as much as any
crocus I know, perhaps "C. cashmirianus 'Albus'" is just a selection of C.
hadriaticus. The distinguishing feature between cartwrightianus and
hadriaticus is that the style branches of C. hadriaticus are "less than
half as long as the perianth segments and arise at a point well above the
throat" (Mathew), whereas in C. cartwrightianus the style branches divide 
down in the throat.     

Lauw de Jager

-----Original Message-----
From Brian Mathew: C. cartwightianus albus is, in fact, C. hadriaticus
it seems there are white C. cartwightianus but always with a small purple 
throat like the white C. longiflorus I found have a few small linesin the 

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