As for hardiness I'd like to point out that for some of the California/Pacific Northwest natives that you are discussing it probably depends on the source of the original seed since many of them occur in many different habitats and elevations. When Jim and Georgie Robinett and Ron Ratko were collecting this information was available and for purchased bulbs now it is probably not. With people sharing through seed exchanges of their garden plants, who knows. Do seeds collected from plants growing in a different location retain their genetic properties for hardiness? Dichelostemma volubile is mostly a foothill species found at 100-1600 meters so would be hardier than a coastal species, but less hardy than a mountain species, but obviously there would still be quite a range. Dichelostemma capitatum on the other hand in California is found all over the state and in many different forms. Here's a distribution map:… So it is found in deserts as well as areas that get a lot of rainfall, near the coast and in the mountains in elevations from 0 to 2300 meters. So you could grow the same species and have a very different experience with its hardiness. Our wiki shows A LOT of different forms, but probably mostly low elevation forms:… Triteleia crocea is found in the Klamath and High Cascade Ranges in a range from 650 to 2200 meters so once again it would be difficult to comment on its hardiness. A number of years ago I saw it in the mountains blooming in summer at very high elevations where it would have been quite cold during the winter (but perhaps during the coldest times there would be the moderating influence of snow.) Mary Sue At 10:56 PM 11/9/2012, you wrote: >The most tender in my experiance is Dichelostemma voubile and D >capitata with temperature limits of around 5 F when planted deep in >sand, a large pot of B crocea was serverly damaged at these >temperatures or slightly lower (0F), (wet and out of doors) and I >had only one flower stem last year as a result, -the pot was not fully plunged.