The rootstock of Leontochir is similar to that of Alstroemeria but the rhizome connecting the grape-like storage roots is short and very fragile. These structures find their way to the bottom of pots I have used, mostly 6" or 1gal. These are really too small but it has bloomed previously. Now they are going to 2gal pots and I anticipate better results. I keep the pots dry and shaded in summer. In the past I've used about 60% #20 silica sand, 30-35% pumice and the remainder some organic base. The sand has breathing hazard issues so I try to stay away from it, but it is great for certain challenging species. In habitat L. ovallei does not merely inhabit dry coastal hills but is concentrated in rocky seasonal stream beds where the deeper roots almost certainly stay moist in summer dormancy. At the least they remain cool. The leafy stems are generally prostrate but some may range up through low shrubs. Its rarity in nature may be overrated since it can be locally plentiful and is found in more than one locale. It is not so easy to transplant and the habitat appears to not be under threat from mining, etc. California also has many very attractive geophytes that are equally deserving of protection but without an identifiable threat they are not endangered. Dylan Hannon