Mystery bulb reveals itself

Leo A. Martin
Mon, 05 Nov 2012 19:59:57 PST
Some time ago I asked for ID suggestions for an amaryllidaceous plant with
longer, brighter green leaves than A. belladonna, and a definite neck to
the foliage. It has been growing in a large container for years and never
flowered. It emerges in early fall when night temperatures begin falling,
grows through the winter, and goes leafless with hot weather. It has been
unaffected by mild frost. I was sure it was not A. b. because I would
never plant that in a container.

It just revealed itself to be an Ismene. Nice scented white flowers. I do
recall buying some Ismene bulbs over 10 years ago but thought I put them
all in the ground. Seems I planted some in this container. The ones in the
bed struggle to survive and have never flowered.

Leo Martin
Phoenix Arizona USA

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