Easy Photo Prgrams

Judy Glattstein jgglatt@gmail.com
Fri, 30 Nov 2012 10:48:36 PST
What I used to use, and adored, was Microsoft's PictureIt! Lovely program,
easy to use, did all that I needed (not much) and more. Came bundled with
my previous computer.

Microsoft stopped supporting it two or three years ago. No matter, still
had it on my computer.

Got a new computer. No PictureI! and since it came bundled with the old
computer no installation discs etc. So sad.

I'm using Gimp. It resizes images, I can insert a copyright notice (ignored
by so many people around the world), straighten a tilted image. No doubt it
does far more but I'm not interested and do not find it as intuitive /
friendly as PictureIt!

Why, when we find something we like is it "improved", taken off the market,
or otherwise made unlikeable?

Judy, in still mostly snow covered New Jersey with nights in the mid- to
low 20 degrees Fahrenheit and days in the low 40s and so many more toppled
mature oak trees awaiting attention with chainsaw

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