Moraea corm spacing in pot

Wed, 14 Nov 2012 08:53:16 PST
I received a generous gift of Moraea corms and want to cultivate them properly. Most are planted already but now I am having doubts about how closely to space them in the pots. Im using planting baskets sectioned off into units of 11 cm x 11 cm width by 14 cm depth. Does it seem reasonable to plant between 5 and 12 corms in each, depending on corm size?  

Examples of corm size and planting spacing here:…

For the ones already planted, I'll see how they do and adjust next year. 

Does it matter that these baskets will be put in an outdoor plunge bed, as soon as that's finished?  Is corm spacing different in a free-standing pot than in a pot plunged in sand? This potting mix has water retention of 0.22 ml/ml and air filled porosity of 0.24 ml/ml and is made of:
    4 parts GrowStone
    3 parts coarse silica sand
    2 parts Happy Frog brand Ocean Forest potting mix
    2 parts aged sifted compost, home made
    1.5 parts coir (some fiber, mostly fines)
Should I space corms more closely in some mixes than others?

Thank you for advice,
Santa Barbara, California

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