The most vigorous Narcissus and other related bulbs respond to these flys as if they had been twin scaled, an increase in bulb numbers results. N bulbocodium is certainly not immune here, nor is L aesivitum, but they both survive the fly and enough mature bulbs survive to put up plenty of flowers, with extra vegetative increase! Peter (UK) On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 6:51 PM, Rodger Whitlock <> wrote: > > Some cultivars/clones are more attractive than others. > but bulbocodium hybrids such as 'Dove Wings' > and its siblings seem immune. I say *seem* immune, but it might be a matter > more of their earlier flowering, or it might be that they multiply strongly > enough that the bulb fly doesn't do much harm to them. > And again to demonstrate the fickle tastes of Merodon, > Leucojum aestivum seems [there's that word again] immune. > > And some galanthus forms survive in good heart. The commmon double form of > Galanthus nivalis is not uncommon as a feral plant in locations that are > very > wet in winter. Perhaps the fly larvae drown? > >