Plants pictured on the wiki

Mary Sue Ittner
Thu, 22 Nov 2012 11:29:16 PST

We started the wiki as a place people could share pictures of the 
bulbs they were growing. So for a long time that was what we had 
pictured. Then people added bulbs in habitat they had seen, bulbs in 
other gardens than their own, etc. We try to keep up with the name 
changes which is an ever challenging job. Those of us who spend hours 
adding to the wiki are always pleased when someone consults it. But 
if something is missing from the wiki, it does not mean it is not a 
valid plant. It just means that there was no one who added it.

I hope many of you look at the recent changes on the wiki since David 
Pilling and Gastil are adding some amazing things. If you are a fan 
of Lilium you will be amazed at all that David has added to the 
Lilium pages. He has also added a lot of details for Nerine bowdenii. 
Be sure you click on the "Show pictures of bulbs, seeds and flower details"…

Gastil is busy adding photos of growing medium and the storage organs 
of plants she grows and also seeds.

And to all of you in the United State who are celebrating 
Thanksgiving, Happy Thanksgiving.

Mary Sue

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