seed identification - provisionally Moraea polystachya

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 08:33:46 PST

Thank you. Those are some nice seed photos. Those M. polystachya seeds are a lot more angular (less round). Those have definite edges or ridges between faces of the seeds whereas these I collected are more rounded-over. 

The Moraea stricta seed I received in BX 306 #2 are like those, angular with ridged edges, so I know if my microscope could show that feature it would show that feature.…

Whereas my plain camera photos of Moraea polystachya seeds like this photo…
do not show enough fine detail for seed ID. That germinating seed really is a M. polystachya, received-as that in BX 295 #9 from Mike Mace who as seen a few Moraea in his time. Maybe these seeds just puff up when hydrated and are only angular when dry. 

- Gastil

> They should be  more or less D-shaped or angular, similar to a lot of *Iris*. Sean Z 

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