Holding bulbs over winter

Peter Taggart petersirises@gmail.com
Tue, 06 Nov 2012 10:19:28 PST
The bulbs will be ok, unless they have been damaged in the store, for
example by dessication. They will require a period of cool, moist
conditions frost free , during which to root. Probably two weeks minimum.
after that they will be hardy as Roland suggests. Allium, Narcissus,
Muscari, Tulips, Fritillaria (if the bulbs are not dried out)..... should
all be ok.
  If they are kept warm they will rot, If they are frozen without roots
they will also rot. Storing until Spring will deny the bulbs even more of
their growing season, and is likely to damage them even more by dessication
or growing without roots, similar to an onion or leek which is kept too
long before cooking. Very few of the bulbs will withstand storage until
"next fall"
Peter (UK)

On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 3:59 PM, J. Denys Bourque <jdbourq@yahoo.co.uk>wrote:

> Dear Fellow Horticulturists,
> Every year around this time, local stores let go what they have left of
> their fall bulbs [tulips, etc.] at really cut prices. I have been thinking
> of buying some, but the ground here is just about frozen. Can anyone advise
> if the bulbs can be stored for planting  next fall?

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