Hardiness of Themidaceae, was fall planting and storage

Peter Taggart petersirises@gmail.com
Sat, 10 Nov 2012 18:03:45 PST
Temperatures where I live in Derbyshire, England, rarely get below 10 F but
two years ago there were nightly temperatures of around 0 F, the winter
before was around 5 F, in each case for a period of  several weeks. These
are the temperatures I am stating as the limits of hardyness for these
plants, in the forms I grow.
Other species such as T laxa, B terrestris, T peduncularis all survived
these temperatures. These periods were largely without snow cover.
I do not grow the same range of material as Jane and others as they are
rarely available.
Peter (UK)

On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 1:31 AM, Gene Mirro <mirrog@yahoo.com> wrote:

> "what are your minimum winter temperatures in SW washington?
> Peter (UK)"
> I've been at this place since 2007, and I believe the lowest temp was 12F
> (-11C).

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