Hi Bill, Many thanks for the thorough, clear and very helpful description of your digital photography 'process'. One thing that shines through is your enthusiasm for all things digital - in addition to all the other positives going for it, it is FUN ! It isn't just the way of the future, it has arrived. At first sight the big picture (no pun intended) might appear a little intimidating but the best way to get your feet wet is to have a go. Some of the things we've discussed are best carried out with high-end cameras and more complex and expensive software and hardware, but they can wait ! Especially if you want to present your photos on the web, you don't have to spend a whole lot of money on either a camera, printer or software. Once you've tried it out there's no going back, and there's lots of help available if you get stuck or want to push the envelope a bit further. Bill asked about accurate color rendition, especially when printing. These few words open another whole can of worms - namely the subject of color management. The mention of color management is enough to strike terror into anyone's heart but, again, there's a minimum you need to do and then some you can go further with. At a minimum you need to set up your monitor correctly and ideally determine/set the correct color profiles for your camera, printer and scanner. There is software available to help you do this. If your mother-in-law's hair really is not as green as it comes out on your prints then you'll have to do some of this. In many cases you can get away with less tweaking. I work in Photoshop in sRGB 'color space' and use this embedded profile to print with. Color printers come with many color profiles you can associate with them - I actually turned off color management on my Epson printers and just print with the embedded Photoshop profile. I am very happy with color rendition, including the blues, but have not had some of the issues that friends have had. My solution would surely be frowned upon by professionals and I'm sure is 'wrong' but.... In Bill's case I suspect that some work on changing the output color profile for the printer will fix the issue and the 'blues' will go away. Monaco EZColor is one program that is designed to set color profiles. I found a site yesterday selling the Coolpix 5700 for not much more than the 995. There is also an 11 megapixel Canon out there ............just think of the damage you could do with that ! Christmas is also a wonderful time to buy memory, ECost has some incredible deals on Flash Cards, SD cards, memory sticks, readers etc, with dirt cheap shipping. Trade in the monographed handkerchiefs, socket sets, ties, slippers, saucepans and bath salts for a little something digital ! J. Dr John T Lonsdale 407 Edgewood Drive, Exton, Pennsylvania 19341, USA Phone: 610 594 9232 Fax: 801 327 1266 Visit "Edgewood" - The Lonsdale Garden at http://www.johnlonsdale.net/ Zone 6b