Hi Mary, there is a great little book I bought years ago to help me. "Dictionary of Plant Names", published by Timer Press and written by Allen J. Coombes. The ISBN No. is 0-88192-0213-1 Printed in Finland. You should still be able to get it. The description says " Tor pronunciation, derivation and meaning of botanical names, and their common-name equivalent" t has been very helpful for me and is very well set out. It is general though, not just bulbs. If there is one specifically for bulbs I would be interested. Hope this helps. regards, Bill Richardson Gippsland Australia 8-30 c. Lovely days of Spring. Water restrictions here. Ixia site: http://www.angelfire.com/ri/ixia/ Suite 101 site: http://suite101.com/welcome.cfm/bulbs_and_plants