'The Bulb Garden'

Marguerite English meenglish@cts.com
Sat, 07 Dec 2002 13:21:30 PST
  All current members of PBS who joined through the end of October should have received issues 1-3 of 'The Bulb Garden' by regular mail.    If you did not receive your copies, please let me know privately. I am always seeking articles and welcome your inquiry about writing one, or about a topic you would like to see included.  If you have a garden-related business, we also accept advertising. The winter issue is being prepared now; be sure to join the Pacific Bulb Society soon to receive yours! Please send all inquiries to:  meenglis@cts.com
Marguerite English,   Editor: 'The Bulb Garden'
Gardening in USDA zone 7, 3700 feet in the mountains east of San Diego, 
Ca., US of A.

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