Hi John, Thanks for looking. I can confirm that the name is Scilla baurii, and that the bulb was grown from South African collected seed, in South Africa before it was given to me. I'm at a loss too. Unlike its cousin Scilla natalensis it doesn't appear in the Southern African Red Data List. It's a summer grower and the leaves are presently under a couple inches in length, of a bronze colour, striated in the direction of the centre of the whorl, and hug the ground in the manner of Eucomis autumnalis subsp. amaryllidifolia. Cathy, Argyle, are the local soccer team, in full they are called Plymouth Argyle. The Pilgrim Fathers went from Plymouth to America, and John can claim this as well. Best Wishes, Dave (Plymouth) David Fenwick NCCPG National Collection of Crocosmia with Chasmanthe and Tulbaghia The African Garden 96 Wasdale Gardens Estover Plymouth Devon England PL6 8TW Website: http://www.theafricangarden.com/