Scilla natalensis / Scilla baurii

John Bryan
Fri, 27 Dec 2002 10:27:21 PST
Dear Dave:

I checked in the 1993 Plants of Southern Africa published by the
National Botanical Institute of South Africa, there was no listing of
Scilla baurii. I checked Drimiopsis and no baurii was listed. Are you
certain this is a South African species? I think the correct name may be
Ledbouria cooperi, called South African Squill, found in the NE Eastern
Cape, Swaziland and Lesotho. This inhabits sandy grasslands. Bulb
rounded, with light brown papery tunic. Grows 6 inches in height, stems
mottled with red. 3-4 leaves, light olive green, with several
longitudinal red-brown stripes. Numerous flowers 1/4 inch in diameter,
on down curved pedicels. tepals pale mauve, often with green midvein;
filaments bright purple, anthers yellow, flowers in summer, September to
February in the wild. One of the hardiest species. Many of this genus
were, at one time in Scilla, but were separated because of their
distribution and having spotted or striped leaves stripes being purple
or dark red. Hope this helps. Cheers and Go Argyle!! John E. Bryan

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