Favorite Books--PBS TOW

Arnold Arnold@nj.rr.com
Mon, 09 Dec 2002 12:50:35 PST

I started collecting Bulb books before I  had anywhere to grow them.  I 
picked up a copy of Brian Mathew's "Crocus"  about ten years ago and now 
I see it can sell for upwards of $100.00.  I have Collins Guide and 
James Wells "Modern Miniature Daffodils"  Which I use very often.  
 Although I understand from some very well appointed daffodil experts 
that there are errors in Well's book.

I find that catalogs are a wonderful source of information and try to 
keep a supply of them around, especially from the small specialty bulb 
growers.  John Bryan's book is a must have for the vast amount of 
information that is in one place.  The images are an extra added bonus. 
 Although I find that in some cases printed  images are often not a true 
representation of true flower color. ( A flower by any other color...)

   But, the  Phillips & Rix book "Bulbs"  with a good blend of 
scientific and in habitat images is the most   worn book in the house.


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