Jane, Dring several years I had trouble multiplying the alba form. However, a strain was given to me is even more vigorous than the species and produces more flowers. My best wishes Jane McGary a *crit : > Tony Goode described Iris unguicularis and its ssp. cretica. I grow the > North African one in two forms, 'Walter Butt' and a deep violet. Would like > a good white one please? -- Lauw de Jager BULB'ARGENCE, 30300 Fourques, France Région: Provence/Camargue, (Climat zone 9a Mediterranean) Site: http://www.bulbargence.com/ "GUIDE POUR BULBES MÉDITERRANÉENS": 116 pages, 400 photos, prix 10 E LE CATALOGUE D'HIVER (WINTERCATALOG) sera disponible en janvier; vous pouvez commander par le site maintenant pour un envoi, à partir de maintenant jusqu'à fin mars. (En fleurs actuellement à l'extérieur: Cyclamen pseudibericum, coum, Dahlia imperialis, Gladiolus dalenii, Crocus laevigatus fontenayi, imperati, Iris unguicularis, Oxalis bowiei, versicolor, Nerine bowdeni 'Pink Triumph', Narcissus tazetta 'Paperwhite', Chinese sacred lily, Double, Moraea polystachya, Lachenalia bulbifera, Romulea, Zantedeschia aethiopica)