a *crit : to buy only flowering-size bulbs, or if they are also interested in smaller > bulbs at a lower price. >> > > > YES!!! For the reasons Alberto mentioned and also since one can buy several > bulbs for the price of one there is more chance of at least one doing well, > or just the opportunity to perhaps see some variation in color or whatever. > > I have sold countless thousands of mixed Amaryllis belladonna hybrid 3 year > old seedlings at the Farmers' Markets I do to ordinary gardeners to whom I > explain that they will have to wait at least a couple years for significant > bloom but this way they can get alot more for their money and I can produce > the bulbs incredibly cheaply as they are simply dug en masse from > direct-seeded beds and sold as is. > Der Bill and all, This is a good idea.! A have a few species which I have been sowing every year in quantity ad are now becoming avaiable in thousands. Examples are Amaryllis belladonna, Scilla peruviana, Tulbaghia violacea, Narcissus tazetta, Allium tuberosum, Romulea, Sparaxis and Tritelea species. I will create a section in the website "special offer fo naturalisation wiuth smaller bulbs" They will be much cheaper and les expences in postage. Thanks for the idea Lauw de Jager BULB'ARGENCE, 30300 Fourques, France Région: Provence/Camargue, (Climat zone 9a Mediterranean) Site: "GUIDE POUR BULBES MÉDITERRANÉENS": 116 pages, 400 photos, prix 10 E CATALOGUE D'HIVER (WINTERCATALOG) sera disponible en janvier; vous pouvez commander par le site maintenant pour un envoi à partir de maintenant jusqu'au fin mars. (En fleur actuellement à l'extérieure: Cyclamen pseudibericum, Dahlia imperialis, Gladiolus dalenii, Crocus, Oxalis bowiea, versicolor, masoniorum, Nerine undulata, bowdeniii'Pink Triumph', Narcissus tazetta 'Paperwhite', Moraea polystachya) -