Dear All; A great subject Favorite Books. I have found the South African Wild Flower Guides, published by the Botanical Society of South Africa to be a superb series, there are now 11 of them, well worth having and well illustrated. They are available at a modest price still, and those interested in such should look into obtaining them. Books by E.A. Bowles are well worth having, his comments are super, I also like A Botanist in Southern Africa, by John Hutchinson. Among older books I enjoy are Cyclopaedia of Botany, 2 volumes published in 1825, the hand colored illustrations are great, I have two sets of this, while the illustrations are the same they are not in the same order, kind of fun to have. The Universal Gardener and Botanist, General Dictionary of Gardening and Botany published in 1778, is a remarkable book with most interesting comments, and much can be learned from the advice given so many years ago. I have been collecting books now and botanical prints for many years, a fun hobby, it has given me lots of pleasure. Cheers, John E. Bryan