Peach Clivia miniata seedlings

Jennifer Hildebrand
Thu, 19 Dec 2002 18:10:07 PST
Hi everyone,
My import permit came in today - the US government has decided I am worthy of receiving plants through the mail!

 That means that the group order will go through very soon now.

 For those of you who have already discussed an order with me, I'll be in contact directly soon.

 If you gave me an estimated order - like 10-20 seedlings - please contact me privately at with a more specific number.
If anyone missed the initial post and wants to get in on this group order, there's still time if you email me quickly.

 Here's the info from Rudo Lotter about the seedlings:
Hallo, this year I pollinated all my best yellow miniatas with recessivepeach miniatas, for those of you who do not know, the recessive peachmutation or Chubb's Peach is dominant over group 1 yellow, although a smallpercentage of yellows can be expected due to selfpolination. The idea was tosupply these seed to a client but the deal fell through and I was forced to plant all the seed, some 8000 seedlings.These seedlings are now at the 1-2 leaf stage, and because I do not have the space to race all of them I have to sell as many as possible. Rudo set the price at about $5.40 per seedling (after currency exchange).

 We'll all split the phyto (another $5.40) and the shipping.
Let me know if you're interested!

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