Dear John: Your site remains one of the best resources in the web. Thanks for sharing such superb images. Particularly those of the organs in crocus flowers are so useful in identification. The plant we know as Ipheion sessile grows in Argentina and in Uruguay, normally in well drained soils in full sun. They are autumn-winter-spring growers flowering in late autumn-early winter. Bulbs have a buff shell like tunic. Roots are perennial and new roots appear during dormancy. Bulbs are found some 5 cm deep. In Nature they receive year round rains, an average of 900 mm. (now with the global warming almost double that). Temperatures are like for Cape bulbs. Dormancy in summer under hot conditions in the wild. Although these bulbs have genes for some hardiness it is far better to grow them almost frost free. Propagation from seed sown fresh and from offsets. Kind regards Alberto