Dear frends, I grow here the following species in the open ground: O umbellatum: In spite of the fact it has been banished from the catalog and the garden, it persists still as a tenacious weed. O narbonense. Very adapted to conditons here. Multiplies well from seed O arabicum: superb decorative plant ( large raceme of pure white flowers with a remarkable black ovary). Multiplies rapidly by offsets. moderately hardy(O orthophylum, O pyramidalis on trial) South african species: O dubium mixed hybrids, mostly sterile, very often virus infected, not hardy O longibracteatum: grows anywhere in any condition; but of very little decorative interest O thyrsoides. Multiplies well from seed, very adapted to our area. Here in Europe often on offer in the wrongseaon (spring) which subsequently gives only shotterm satification and a bad reputation. O saundersiae: Not very happy in our medit climate; tends to rot during our humid winters and need watering durng the winter. Will be abandoned from our catalog Kind regards -- Lauw de Jager BULB'ARGENCE, 30300 Fourques, France Région: Provence/Camargue, (Climat zone 9a Mediterranean) Site: "GUIDE POUR BULBES MÉDITERRANÉENS": 116 pages, 400 photos, prix 10 E CATALOGUE D'HIVER (WINTERCATALOG) sera disponible en janvier; vous pouvez commander par le site maintenant pour un envoi à partir de maintenant jusqu'au fin mars. (En fleur actuellement à l'extérieure: Cyclamen pseudibericum, Dahlia imperialis, Gladiolus dalenii, Crocus, Oxalis bowiea, versicolor, masoniorum, Nerine undulata, bowdenii'Pink Triumph', Narcissus tazetta 'Paperwhite', Chinese sacred lily, Double, Moraea polystachya) -