Lyn Edwards
Tue, 10 Dec 2002 20:35:13 PST
Dear Mary Sue and all,
			I have most of the books mentioned so far in this discussion but the one
mentioned that really brought back memories, and I still refer to it, is the
Ortho book you mentioned in your last message,perhaps a rather unusual book
to be on sale in Australia but I have it and a sister one called "All About
Perennials". According to the price tag on the cover I paid $1.90 Aust. each
for these in the dim distant past.
			Another American book which first introduced me to such delights as Bessera and Erythroniums and other delectable goodies is an earlier one from 1982, HP Books "Bulbs, How to Select,Grow and Enjoy" by George Harmon Scott.
I wonder if Horticulural Press still exists?
At that time this book was the place of dreams as few of the non mainstream
bulbs were available here and those that were I could not possibly have
bought at that time due to financial and family constraints way back then,
Lyn Edwards

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