Hi all, The October 2002 issue of BOTHALIA (vol. 32, no. 2) just arrived here. There are three articles of interest to bulbophiles. The lead paper is a revision of the genus Daubenya by John Manning and A.M. van der Merwe. There is a color photo and a black and white line drawing of each of the eight species now assigned on the basis of DNA analysis to this genus: DD. comata, namaquensis, marginata, zeyheri, alba, capensis, stylosa, and aurea. All are winter-growing plants from the western edge of the central plateau of southern Africa. There is also a brief but enlightening discussion of the higher taxonomy of the Hyacinthaceae fo the world. J.C. Manning and A.M. van der Merwe, "Systematics of the genus _Daubenya_ (Hyacinthaceae: Massonieae)." BOTHALIA 32:2, pp. 133-150 (October 2002). A new species of Lachenalia is described in this issue: L. valeriae from Namaqualand. Its closest relatives are listed as LL. framesii and carnosa. It is found in the Succulent Karoo biome in northwestern Namaqualand. G.D. Duncan and T.J. Edwards, "Hyacinthaceae--Massonieae. A new species of _Lachenalia_ from Namaqualand, South Africa." BOTHALIA 32:2, pp. 190-192 (October 2002). Finally, the species Cyrtanthus smithae is clarified and a Lectotype (in this case, a watercolored drawing from 1837) is defined. J.P. Rourke, "Amaryllidaceae. The typification of _Cyrtanthus smithiae_ Watt ex Harv." BOTHALIA 32:2, pp. 197-199 (October 2002). To subscribe to BOTHALIA or order a copy of this issue, contact: NBI Bookshop Private Bag X101 Pretoria 0001 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Subscriptions to BOTHALIA are US$32 for one year, which includes two issues of the journal. Jim Shields in central Indiana ************************************************* Jim Shields USDA Zone 5 Shields Gardens, Ltd. P.O. Box 92 WWW: http://www.shieldsgardens.com/ Westfield, Indiana 46074, USA Tel. +1-317-896-3925 Member of INTERNATIONAL CLIVIA CO-OP