seed-grown calochortus pictures

Sat, 14 Dec 2002 20:42:22 PST
To Diane Whitehead --

I do not know if "Audrey" is a member of PBS, but I took a look at the
website you suggested. The "home page" address is actually --


I had trouble accessing the database after looking at the first two
pictures - don't know what went wrong. Her brief remarks on methods for
growing from seed seem straightforward and with reasonable hope of success
for the two species I was able to access -- C. westoni and C. weedii (var.
weedii). Diane, I can assure you there are folks in BC - further north than
you - successfully growing Calochortus, because the Robinett Bulb Farm
always had customers for both bulbs and seed from there. If you are quite
interested in Calochortus, you may want to sign up for our quarterly
newsletter MARIPOSA, now mid-way through its 14th volume-year. It's
available through me, G. B. Robinett, at P. O. Box 1993, Brookings, OR
97415. The sub price is US$ 13 a year for airmail to Canada and overseas
(US$10 a year in the US), for four issues (appearing July, October, January,
and April). All subscriptions are for a full volume year (to keep management
of the subscription list easy). Each issue usually features a single
species, with a full page of color photographs; and there is an annual seed
exchange. From time to time there are special articles on cultivation and
other topics. The most useful for you would probably be the article by Diana
Chapman (of Telos Rare Bulbs) published last year on the success she has
enjoyed with some of the more difficult species, growing in the Eureka, CA
area. All back issues are available. If you decide to subscribe, please ask
for a list of back issues and what species each covers.

----------- Georgie Robinett


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