Mary Sue Ittner <> a *crit : > > It does seem logical if seed falls on the ground in nature and waits for > the precise moment to germinate ....seeds of winter growing > species that need a warm dry period before germinating and perhaps we > should be planting those right away and instead of waiting until fall. > Harold Koopowitz told us to plant Muscari seeds when ripe and then leave > them dry all summer. Mary Sue et al, Just to confirm these statements. I got the best results with sowing seeds immediately when ripe (or even almost ripe). I had some very good expirenence with the following species: Galanthus elwesii and many Cyclamen species. Just look under the Cyclamen leaves to see the numerous seedlings developing. Once I sown green seeds (capsules) of Brunsvigia Josephinaea which gave 100% germination -- Lauw de Jager BULB'ARGENCE, 30300 Fourques, France Région: Provence/Camargue, (Climat zone 9a Mediterranean) Site: "GUIDE POUR BULBES MÉDITERRANÉENS": 116 pages, 400 photos, prix 10 E CATALOGUE D'HIVER (WINTERCATALOG) sera disponible en janvier; vous pouvez commander par le site maintenant pour un envoi à partir de maintenant jusqu'au fin mars. (En fleur actuellement à l'extérieure: Cyclamen pseudibericum, Dahlia imperialis, Gladiolus dalenii, Crocus, Oxalis bowiea, versicolor, masoniorum, Nerine undulata, bowdenii'Pink Triumph', Narcissus tazetta 'Paperwhite', Chinese sacred lily, Double, Moraea polystachya, Lachenalia bulbifera) -