South African plant talks on N.Am. west coast Dave McDonald, Deputy Director of the Botanical Society of South Africa, who was a featured speaker at our February 2001 Western Winter Study Weekend, will be speaking along the North American West Coast, from California this April, north through Oregon, Washington to British Columbia mid-May as a NARGS (North American Rock Garden Society) travelling speaker. Non-NARGS clubs may be able to arrange a talk. The speaker's fee is $200 U.S., plus transportation from his previous talk, and accommodation. NARGS is paying for the international travel. You can contact the person organizing NARGS Speaker's Tours, Steve Whitesell at These are Dave's possible talks, but apparently he will prepare only the 3 most-requested ones of the 6 offered. 1.Winter and spring flowers of the Cape, South Africa (with emphasis on bulbs). 2. Is there an alpine zone in southern Africa? A look at the flora and environments of the mountains of southern Africa. 3. The Roof of Africa: Montane flora of Lesotho and the Drakensberg. 4. Kirstenbosch: Flagship botanical garden of South Africa. 5. The Cape Floral Kingdom -- smallest and richest in the world (covering aspects of flora, geology, ecology etc.) 6. The flora of the Cape Folded Mountains, South Africa. If you would like to hear him, check with your nearby NARGS chapter to see if they have room for visitors. Not all chapters have updated their websites with 2003 announcements, so there are likely to be more than I have listed.This information is very rough, so you will definitely need to check before venturing forth. Apr 21 - Monday All Meetings at 7:00pm at Etna United Methodist Church, Etna unless other wise mentioned NARGS Speaker - Dr. David McDonald, Deputy Director of the Botanical Society of South Africa. April 22, 2003 Tuesday We meet the second Tuesday of each month, September through May. Meetings are held at the Congregational Church of Medford, 1801 E Jackson Street, Medford, Oregon. Dr. Dave McDonald - Deputy Director, Botanical Society of South Africa Topic to be Announced May 6, 7:30 pm Dave McDonald "Roof Gardens of African Mountains" The Hoyt Arboretum, 4000 SW Fairview Blvd, Portland May 8, 2003 Seattle Regular meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month, September through June, promptly at 7:30 PM at UW Center for Urban Horticulture (CUH), 3501 NE 41st Street, Seattle, 206 543-8616. South Africa: Cape Flora, Dr. David McDonald, Deputy Director, Botanical Society of South Africa Mid May Vancouver BC Alpine Garden Club of B.C. VanDusen Gardens, Floral Hall, 37th and Oak, Vancouver on the second Wednesday, September through June, opening at 7:00, meeting at 7:30 (dates may change according to speakers' schedules). Diane Whitehead Victoria, British Columbia, Canada