stagonospora treatment

Tim Eck via pbs
Tue, 01 Feb 2022 10:00:26 PST
I thought I would share a Stagonospora treatment that worked much better
than expected.  I used to be devastated when Hippeastrum buds would push up
and then turn to the side as Stagonospora infected the stem because I knew
that even if I got to see the blooms, it would rot through before the seed
I had bought a systemic fungicide - Bonide Infuse - in order to do some
crinum chipping and I thought I'd give it a try on stagonospora, so I went
online to buy some syringes (they also come in handy for other applications
like oiling small fans and blowers, grandfather clocks, etc).
I had little hope for the bloomstalks, but if there was a best way to apply
a systemic fungicide where it would do the most good, filling up the hollow
bloomstalk seemed like it.  So far, I'm batting 100% as these two photos
suggest.  In the Jade Dragon x Emerald photo, you can see a normal
bloomstalk in the background and healthy but senescent blooms in the
foreground and in the stagonospora photo, you can see the extent of the
damage before the fungus was stopped and two healthy seedpods.
Since the fungicide dilution ratio is high, I made about a gallon of
solution and have been going around dribbling it into the necks of dormant
bulbs too.
Good luck!
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