wrong name in PBS BX/SX_476

Mary Sue Ittner via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sat, 05 Feb 2022 16:11:51 PST
On 8/5/2021 I wrote this:
> I looked at the current BX and then the list of items I sent Luminita 
> and I think I left off the name of one of the Tulips I included on the 
> list I sent her.  I originally got it from Thompson and Morgan. I'm 
> not sure what number you would assign it. It was Tulipa schrenkii , 
> synonym Tulipa suaveolens. I suspect I was wanting to check the 
> spelling of the name and sent the email out not realizing it wasn't 
> complete.

I don't think Luminita ever gave it a number and don't know if anyone 
asked for it.

There are several things wrong with my message. First is I ordered the 
bulbs from McClure and Zimmerman (not Thompson and Morgan). When they 
came, only one was in good condition. When I wrote and reported this, 
they sent me replacements. Only the replacements were a Tulipa clusiana 
cultivar (I learned when it flowered.) I potted up the one bulb from the 
first batch and it eventually flowered and increased, but didn't really 
seem very happy in coastal Northern California so last year I decided to 
give it to the BX. I thought I was sending it, but this week what I 
thought was the pot of Tulipa clusiana cultivar flowered and it appears 
to be Tulipa suaveolens, syn. T. schrenkii, instead. So I suspect the 
one I sent was the Tulipa clusiana cultivar I intended to keep. I 
thought it looked like photos of 'Tubergen's Gem'. If one of you asked 
for it thinking it was something else, I apologize. I'm attaching what 
is in flower now.

Mary Sue
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