
Luminita vollmer via pbs
Wed, 09 Feb 2022 08:34:17 PST
While Prairie Shooting Star, known as *Primula meadia* in some references,
is readily available in the nursery trade, it is a very rare sight in the
wild in Minnesota with only a single known location in Mower County. According
to the DNR
it was first discovered in a prairie strip along a railroad in 1980, but
this lone population was nearly wiped out 10 years later after the railroad
was abandoned and road construction and agricultural development ensued.
The remaining population is very small and still at risk from pesticide
drift from nearby fields and roadsides, unauthorized mowing, and even
poaching. It was listed as a MN Special Concern species in 1984 and
elevated to Endangered in 1996. It is nearly indistinguishable from the
related and more common (in Minnesota) Jeweled Shooting Star
amethystinum*). While the flowers of *D. meadia* are typically lighter
colored than *D. amethystinum*, the most reliable differences are the
fruits, which are thin-walled, flexible, and dry to a light yellowish to
reddish for *D. amethystinum*, and thick-walled, firm, and dry to a dark
reddish brown for *D. meadia*. Habitat is also a good indicator, with *D.
amethystinum*found in more shaded cliffs and forests, and *D. meadia*
more open ground.…

In my garden, the Shooting star is abundant, blooming about the same time
with the Arisaemas. I always collect seed to spread on the larger property,
as it is fairly rare.

We have snow at the moment, but it was 43F yesterday, more snow on its way
today and tomorrow.

Luminita, zone 3-4-5
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