Texas Oxalis?

Alani Davis alanidae@gmail.com
Sun, 07 Mar 2010 05:35:50 PST
Hey Justin and everone -

I have seen this *Oxalis* species identified in a variety of southern plant
guides over the years under several names but there seems to be some
agreement these days that it is *Oxalis debilis.** *I learned this
plant as*O. rubra
*as well. It is from South America as well*, *though it is widely
naturalized from the coastal Carolinas throughout the Gulf Coast and into
Texas. Of the three non-native pink flowered* Oxalis *that can be commonly
found naturalized in the southeastern U.S., it the most commonly
encountered. Of the three non-native pink flowered* Oxalis* and the
native*O. violacaea, O. debilis
** *is the only one I am aware of that has the dark veining in the throat of
the flowers and heart-shaped segments of the leaf and that are mostly
*There are pictures and some information at this link, though note that one
of the pictures labeled* O.violacaea* is a slightly over exposued
photo of*O. debilis.


Alani Davis
Tallahassee, Fl*

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