yellow squills in Passenger to Teheran

Adam Fikso
Fri, 05 Mar 2010 12:42:25 PST
Jim.  I don''t know if my suggestion is any better--merely alternative--but 
whatever she saw is likely to be still available at similar elevations 
(~4000) feet on the same side of the Elburz range ( Albarz).  The 
temperatures are similar to the Chicago zone  (5a) but with less 
precipitation in summer.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim McKenney" <>
To: "'Pacific Bulb Society'" <>
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: [pbs] yellow squills in Passenger to Teheran

> Ah, Boyce, that could be it. The old musk hyacinth is not exactly yellow,
> but it is sort of yellowish sometimes. This is the plant variously known 
> as
> Muscari moschatum, M. ambrosiacum and M. muscarimi among other names. And 
> it
> looks a lot more like a squill than my guess, a daffodil, does.
> Muscari macrocarpum, the truly yellow musk hyacinth, has a more western
> distribution (the Aegean) and does not grow wild in the area in question.
> One thing bothers me about this candidate: surely Sackville-West knew the
> musk hyacinth? The plant had by then been grown in England for three 
> hundred
> years, and was readily available in commerce at that time (it disappeared
> from general commerce after the Second World War and was a great rarity 
> when
> I was a kid; it did not reappear - in the guise of M. ambrosiacum - until
> decades later).
> Can anyone come up with a better suggestion?
> Jim McKenney
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