mystery gladiolus

Diane Whitehead
Mon, 22 Mar 2010 11:11:19 PDT
I have been sowing South African bulb seeds since the mid-nineties.   
The bulbs were getting towards flowering size when we had a bad  
winter.  I heard the hoophouse door blow open on a wild, cold night,  
and did I leap out of bed to close it like a plant lover should?  No,  
I snuggled deeper under the covers.  Come spring, I dumped out pot  
after pot of mushy bulbs.

Then I started over.  I keep the seedlings in an unheated but frost- 
free greenhouse.

This morning I noticed a flower spike among my gladiolus pots.  At  
last!  What is going to flower?  I don't know.  It's the only pot  
without a label.

Diane Whitehead

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