> In L.A. it was very easily grown in the ground, going dormant each winter > without temperatures approaching 0°C and then re-sprouting with blooms in > early summer. Summers had plenty of heat and they were grown in full > intense sun. They didn't seem to mind winter rainfall as long as the soil > was well drained. Thank you for the replies. My searches on this, and the 2 replies I have had (1 off-group), suggest the necessity of a cold winter dormancy. What should I do about the previous year's foliage. The foliage I cut off was long (30-40cms) and floppy, whereas the display plant when I bought mine last summer was much shorter and in full flower. Does it flower on the current year's growth or the previous years. I assumed, maybe wrongly, that I should treat it as a normal herbaceous and cut it to the ground in late winter. Brian Whyer, Buckinghamshire, England, zone ~8 I got up this morning to the first air temp. greater than 10C since last autumn.