I was just at my local Lowe's (hardware superstore) and they have a brand new collection of carnivorous plant terrarium kits. You can get small or large kits in nifty square plastic terrariums. I'm pretty sure the cobra lilies were Darlingtonia sp. This surprised me as the things I've read about them say these are difficult to cultivate indoors. http://www.badbear.com/dkramb/CIMG0327.jpg http://www.badbear.com/dkramb/CIMG0328.jpg It was hard to resist impulse buying one. But maybe after a bit of research I'll go back and get one. Oh, and here's a picture of my new Sarracenia babies. Clockwise from the left is S. flava var. rugelii, S. leucophylla var. "green", and S. x 'Red Rocket'. http://www.badbear.com/dkramb/CIMG0326.jpg Dennis in Cincinnati (where the first spring thunderstorm has rolled through)