Worsleya bloom color

Lee Poulsen wlp@Radar-Sci.Jpl.Nasa.Gov
Fri, 17 Sep 2004 17:14:57 PDT
If you go to the Worsleya group website 
<http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Worsleya_procera/> and click on Photos, 
there are a number of different clones shown there. There is quite some 
variation in the shades of color as well as form of the various clones. 
Since mine are the only ones I've seen in real life, and the photos I 
uploaded are fairly accurate (the color is quite similar to the color 
of Griffinia; however, the Griffinia color is much smoother and 
concentrated IMO), I can't say how they compare colorwise to anyone 

I know that the Worsleya list owner who has seen several different 
clones in flower thinks that the clone that is grown in New Zealand is 
one of the prettiest (Bill Dijk, Tony Palmer, and Terry Hatch grow it), 
whereas what he calls the Cosh clone is one of the least pretty but is 
the most prolific off-setter of baby bulbs, so it is much more common 
(at least in Australia). So I wouldn't be surprised if Bill's are bluer 
than mine.

--Lee Poulsen
Pasadena area, California, USDA Zone 9-10

On Sep 17, 2004, at 2:19 PM, piaba wrote:

> i meant to ask about the color of the flowers.  bill
> dijk's photo shows a much bluer flower than lee
> poulsen's.  i assume this plant has flowers that are
> more purple-lavender than blue-lavender?
> =====
> tsuh yang

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