More on color- misc. rambling observations

John Bryan
Mon, 27 Sep 2004 08:41:41 PDT
Dear All:

The discussion regarding color is fascinating. Comparing the color of a
flower with a color chart should be done in northern and bright light,
not sunlight. When deciding on the merits of a new lily as a cut flower,
we always made sure they looked good under fluorescent light, as such
was that used by florists in their windows and shops. The difference in
the perceived colors under such different light sources can be quite
startling.Cheers, John E. Bryan wrote:
> In a message dated 9/26/2004 6:34:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> >The reality is a different reality to each person
> The perception of a "color" is an event charactized by a blend of three
> components:
> The light source (illuminant)
> The interaction of an object with the illuminant
> The observer
> The response of the observer is non-linear and cannot be explained simply by
> trichromacy (red, green, blue receptors)
> As the cornea ages and yellows, response to color (mostly blue and green)
> changes
> The human eye is deficient in discrimination of yellows
> Humans are more sensitive to discrepancies in hue than discrepancies in
> saturation or brightness
> Memory colors (i.e. skin tone, green grass, sky blue) matter more than
> non-memory colors.
> Relationships between colors are more important than the colors themselves.
> The surface of an object and the manner in which it reflects, transmits or
> fluoresces light is important to the perception of color.
> Mark Mazer
> Intarsia Ltd.
> Gaylordsville, Connecticut 06755-0142
> USDA Zone 5
> Giant Schnauzer Rescue
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