Hi, New list member Peter Thomson from Sydney, Australia, sent me pictures of Doryanthes excelsa to share with everyone and I just late last night found time to add them to the wiki and make a page which I will move into place alphabetically when I find more time. Does anyone know what the up to date family is for this genus? My Australian books say Agavaceae and it certainly has that appearance to me, but since appearance is no longer always what we go by... Other choices I've seen on the Internet that make less sense to me are Liliaceae and Amaryllidaceae. The common name for this plant is Gymea Lily, but one of my books also calls it Gigantic Lily which seems appropriate. We saw Doryanthes palmeri in Australia and it too was very impressive. I'd think you'd need to have a large garden for these plants. The Encyclopedia of Australian plants suitable for cultivation says they are highly suited as container plants, but the containers need to be large. I wonder how large that might be. Any Australian members growing either of the species in your gardens? http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/… Mary Sue